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"Working without a Workplace" employee experience during COVID-19

Project Scope & Description

Project Scope & Description

Role: Service Design Lead managing team of service designers, stakeholders, and project partners. Lead research plan and service design outputs. Project serving Capital One employees and currently in development.


Looking ahead toward the future transition of the next phase of COVID-19 response in the workplace, the Capital One design operations team is working to understand the needs of associates and what tools, resources, and partners that are needed to develop to create an optimal experience, whether that means going back to a physical office or a continuation of permanently working remote, or a hybrid of the two.

Approach & Context

Approach & Context

Using an experience-minded approach, the team is tasked with shaping the future experience of work during this transition using service design tools and practices. The project started with a virtual workshop with organization leadership to understand and outline the most pressing “back to work” needs of associates. From there, the team is reviewing existing tools, resources, and partner strategies which can be leveraged today and which may need to be created or sourced to address all associate and organizational needs.

The workshop resulted in a set of common findings which drove the development of a project service blueprint and vision story explaining the experience from an associate point of view, along with a context diagram outlining the release events and resources that the larger operational team and design leadership will need to produce before the associate experience is activated.

Defining the Experience of Transition

Defining the Experience of Transition

For some, returning to work will be a welcomed return to normality. For others, a return to work will not be immediately possible or even desired. With varied restrictions and timelines for when this permission is granted, we are working to design an experience where we anticipate and accommodate the multitude of associate needs in our new era of what it means to work at Capital One.

The team developed a service blueprint to define both the front stage experience and the back stage operational work streams to make the optimal experience for associates.

Additionally, a vision story was created to walk through the associate experience in a detailed, tangible example. This work is helping to outline the prep work needed for leadership, as well as areas that the design team will cross collaborate with partners.
